Monday, January 7, 2008

The Canonical List of Drag Queen Names

Okay bitches - here it is! Miss Tills has gotten so tired of looking up drag queen names on the Internet and finding the same ole tired shit. Look at this list and bow down!

If you want to add a name to this list, post it in the comments and Miss Tilly will consider your submission. You do want to submit to her, don't you?

Agnes of Gosh
Alberta Clipper
Amanda Buttfuck
Amanda Chase
Amanda Huginkiss
Amanda Peon
Amanda Playwith
Amanda Reckonwith
Amanda Stickmydickin
Amber Alert
Amber Waves
Andrea Dorea
Angie O’Plasty
Anita B. Day
Anita Bath
Anita Cocktail
Anita Dick
Anita Greencard
Anita Mann
Anita Pill
Anna Bortion
Anna Rexia
Anna Waywego
Annette Curtain
Annie Bellum
Augusta Wind
Auntie Christ
Auntie Septic
Bang Bang La Desh
Barb Dwyer
Barbra Seville
Bea FaCurtains
Bea Reasonable
Bertha D. Blues
Bertha Venation
Bess Twishes
Bessie Mae Mucho
Blanche Debris
Blanche Dividian
Bo Tocks
Bridgette of Madison County
Brooke Trout
Candy Ass
Candy Wrapper
Carlotta Stolengoods
Carmen Dioxide
Carrie Oakey
Carrie Onbag
Catherine the Above Average
Charity Case
Chenille Stems
Chris Coe
Clare Boothe Luce Change
Connie Chiwa
Connie Lingus
Connie Sewer
Crème Brulay
Crystal DeCanter
Cuntalina Fucklebitch
Deb. U. Tant
Dee Flaytable
Della Catessen
Della Ware
Delois Price
Demanda Refund
Devoida Class
Devoida Taste
Di Onacross
Dickhole Kidman
Dinah Cancer
Dinah Lone
Dinah Ponme
Dinah Thirst
Dolly Liama
Dolores del Taco
Donna Frock
Donna Matrix
Dora Jarr
Dot Com
Drunkard Channing
Dusty Chotsky
Edina Date
Eileen Dover
Emma Grate
Emma Roids
Emmy Nimms
Estee Lauder Harder Faster
Eva Destruction
Faye King
Faye Shull
Faye Slift
Fenna Mint
Formica Dinette
Frayda Cox
Frieda Fondle
Frieda Love
Gail Force
Gay Barr
Gay Wright
Gena Lola Golden Gata Bridgeda
Gina Talia
Gina Te
Ginger Snapp
Ginger Vitus
Ginny Tonic
Glenda Bender
Gloria Hole
Hedda Gobbler
Hedda Lettuce
Helen Bach
Helen Bedd
Helen Heels
Helena Handbag
Helvetica Bold
Hollee Luja
Holly Goheavily
Holly Mackerel
Honey Dijon
Hope Chest
Hope Heelcum
Hurricane Summers
Ida Claire
Ida Slapter
Iona Sextoy
Iona Trailer
Ivana B. Astar
Ivana B. Queen
Ivana Cockatoo
Ivana Kutchakockoff
Ivana Mann
Jean Pool
Jenny Tonic
Jill E. Bean
Juan Condition
Juan Nightstand
June Bugg
Karen Carpenteria
Katy Didd
Kay Puerca
Kaye Sedia
Kaye Wye
Keesha Myas
Kitten Kaboodle
Kitty Litter
Kitty Porn
Lady White Swallow
Lana Cane
LaTrina Bidet
Laverne Onions
Layona Davenport
Leah Tard
Leesa Carr
Leigh Way
Libby T. Belle
Lilly Pond
Lilly White
Lois Carmen Denominator
Madam Ovary
Mae Ewe
Mae Zola
Manuel Hung
Marianne Unfaithful
Marsha Dimes
Marsha Mellow
Mary K. Mart
May Aculpa
Mimi Mi
Ming Vase
Minnie Cooper
Minnie Pause
Miranda Rites
Miss Charmin
Miss Construe
Miss Diagnosed
Miss Inglink
Miss Taken
Misty Cologne
Molly Bolt
Mona Lott
Nan Tucket
Natalie Attired
Nequelle Anne Dyme
Nita Shag
Orna Mint
Pagan Holiday
Paige Turner
Patty O. Furniture
Pearl Diver
Pearl E. Gates
Peg Legg
Penny R. Cade
Penny Tration
Phil Aschio
Polly Esther
Polly Unsaturated
Poly Gripp
Rachel Discrimination
Rachel Tension
Rhea Listik
Rhea Range
Rhoda Lott
Rita Book
Robyn Banks
Rosie Cheeks
Rusty Hinges
Sadie Word
Sally Mander
Seliphane Rappa
Selma Babiesforcrack
Selma Eggs
Semi Sweet Charity
Shanda Lier
Sharon Husbands
Sharon Needles
Sheesa Cunt
Shirley U. Wood
Sissy Fuss
Snow White Trash
Solamente Enlacama
Sophonda Cox
Sophonda Peters
Stella Artois
Strawberry Fields
Sue Yu
Summer Clearance
Tallulah Bunkbed
Tanya Hyde
Tequila Mockingbird
Tess Tickle
Tess Tosterone
Trixie Delight
Tulip Sonya Cox
Tulita Pepsi
Uma Dickhurtz
Venus de Mile-High Lo
Venus Envy
Vinda Loos
Virginia Hamm
Visa Gold
Vivian Von Brokenhymen
Wilda Beest
Wilma Fingerfit
Winnie Baygo
Yuna Sex
Zsa Zsa Lahore


Project Christopher said...

There's a story behind this drag name and to find out you'll have to come to ROTC Chicago's "Armed & Fabulous - The Cover Girls of ROTC" event at Hydrate on May 3. Check for more info so you can be lucky enough to be at the unveiling of MISS PIXIE RIMJOB!

Anonymous said...

some names to add to the list...

Gena Lola Golden Gata Bridgeda
Formica Dinette
Sue Yu
Mimi Mi
Uma Dickhurtz
Hope Chest
Connie Chiwa
Molly Bolt
Mini Cooper
Kitty Litter
Bea FaCurtains
Dinah Lone
Edina Date

i could go on for days.........

Tilly Screams said...

Thanks Monkeyfuck! Ima gonna add this right now!

ayeM8y said...

Lana Cane...“The Girl You’re Itching To See...”

Sean Newbury said...

Anita B. Day
Helena Handbag
...ok I could only think of two...

Thomas Atkinson said...

Pearl Diver
Chenille Stems
Sissy Fuss

Anonymous said...

Anna Bortion
Surrenda Uranas
Demanda Refund
Visa D'Clined
Getta Life
Onya Nees
Bang Bang LaDesh
Solamente Enlacama
Di Onacross
Franconia Notch
Laverne Onions
Kay Puerca
Drunkard Channing
Bobbe Rimswell
LaTrina Bidet
Porcelain Bidet
Dusty Chotsky
Costa Diva
Yolamey Tonite

ayeM8y said...

Amber Alert

Anonymous said...

I have another one!

Estee Lauder Harder Faster

Anonymous said...

The name I use is Rhea Rhange.. think about it!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Tills! Well my drag name is Amanda Chase.... definately list worthy if you ask me!

Anonymous said...

Dixie Normous

Anonymous said...

Some names go in pairs -

Blanche Dividian - Ruby Ridge

Amber Alert - Megan Law

Endora Plumbing

Rachel Profiling

Unknown said...

How 'bout Dinah Reah !